Of the parents don’t know what to do when the baby starts crying
Per day are crying newborn babies
It takes babies to express clearly their needs
How can Speep help me in my daily life?
Speep works by machine learning, but it doesn’t need a mobile application, wifi, BlueTooth, or anything else. It just needs to be near your baby.
You train speep by pressing the button that corresponds with the reason of the cry. After two weeks, Speep can understand your babies unique cries and tell you the cause of them.

A few things we are great at
Speep doesn’t need WiFi or Bluetooth
Speep is a standalone device that operates its machine learning programs completely by itself.
Your baby already has a pretty loud alarm system built-in, do you really need a phone blaring in your pocket at the same time?
Speep has LED lights that let you know what’s happening, you don’t need anything else to get the hang of the situation.
Speep helps first time parents
One of the main interests of any parent is to be able to understand their baby’s needs in order to meet them and ensure that the baby is in the best possible condition.
However, it is not always possible to detect what needs our babies are expressing through crying.
That’s why Speep wants to help you to give your newborn baby the best and form a better family bond.
Speep is simple and usable
One of the most sought-after concepts in modern devices is usability and simplicity.
Nowadays, companies try to cram so many functions into one device that it ends up being difficult to use and understand.
That’s why Speep wants to tackle this problem by trying to offer you a device that is as simple and usable as possible for any member of the family.
How important is it to create family ties?
The philosopher George Santayana said that the family is one of nature’s masterpieces. And it is true that the family, in all its forms, and the bond that is built with it day after day is very important for children. Secure attachment is key to their physical and emotional development, as strengthening family ties increases children’s self-confidence and security, among other things.
Strong family ties, based on respect and love, are the pillars of children’s physical and emotional development. For this reason, we must work and build the bond with our children from their first second of life. It is the best way for them to feel that they have our support, sustenance and affection to grow and develop in freedom.
When family ties have succeeded in creating a secure attachment, children feel capable of achieving anything they set their minds to. Our love for them conveys that we will be there for them when they win, but also when they lose or fall down. This security reinforces their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Children will feel more confident to explore their environment, to satisfy their curiosity, to have concerns, to build illusions and to achieve their dreams and desires.
Babies crying
New born babies are crying almost 2 hours per day
Crying is a newborn’s main way of telling you what they need. It’s a sound that can spur you into action, even when you’re asleep.
Babies cry and fuss on average for almost two hours a day. Some cry for a lot longer than this. Most of this crying and fussing seems to happen in the late afternoon and evening, although every day will probably be a bit different.
Your newborn baby is working out what the world is like. The way you respond to your baby’s behaviour, especially crying, tells your baby a lot about the world.
For example, your baby might find out that when they cry, someone comes to give them what they need. This might be a nappy change, a feed or a cuddle. If that happens, baby will learn that the world is a pretty OK place.
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